PCO Process - How puripot Works

Effective deodorization by photocatalyst oxidation with porous titanium dioxide photosensitizer
Strong sterilization by blue light PCO with instantaneously hyper-active hydroxyl radicals that decompose VOCs, bacteria and viruses.
Fine Dust & Pollen Removal
Powerful fine dust & pollen removal with multi-layer PCO mesh unit installed in the air entrance to the main honeycomb module
No Filter, No UV, No Ozone
Filter replacement-free and Ozone-free PCO technology with 460nm visible blue light
puripot Features
Sleek designs and Honoree at the 2019 CES Innovation Awards. This unit will enhance any space that it is placed in to operate.
No Filters
Save time and money by not needing to replace filters puripot does not require any additional maintenance making it an easy to use and cost effective unit.
VOC Removal
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